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Friday, September 20, 2013

'Esprit de blog' abounds and good things are on the way!

To whomever the unequaled genius is who made this meme: I would like to meet you to shake your hand in person! Feel free to email me at

It's been a long while since I last wrote anything here. But life is moving fast, my fiancée got a new teaching job, my freelance career is at all-time high, and my mashup DJ endeavors keep getting more in-depth with each mash. These are all good things! If there ever were reasons to quit this blog, I now have a multiplicity of them. But for those of you who read this blog, I thank you and I come back to say that this blog will now likely be used as a promotional forum alongside its usual motivational esprit de blog if you will.

So with that said, I ask that you stay tuned and of course, roll on!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Turkish protesters, you have my support!

About one week ago, a group of anonymous protesters gathered in a park in Turkey to protest the building of a mall in a popular public park to keep the space as a free-to-the-public space. From what I can tell, THAT'S IT. Police and government officials however claim they had the right to use excessive force in the name of preventing "terrorism."

For more information, read it here:

Roll on!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

This is how life makes art with my unused 'art-icle'

Life Makes Art: A Brief Commentary on Carl Jung’s Take on Creative Culture

By Michael LaPenna

In his 1933 paper Modern Man in Search of a Soul, famed psychologist Carl Jung denotes a certain pull that a creative person may feel within his or her process, his or her "zone" as many of today's athletes might term it:

"Every creative person is a duality or a synthesis of contradictory aptitudes. On the one side he is a human being with a personal life, while on the other side he is an impersonal, creative process...The artist is not a person endowed with free will who seeks his own ends, but one who allows art to realize its purposes through him.”
But could this be true? Could art in fact be making the artist? And furthermore, how  does Dr. Jung's analysis hold up in today's world of street illustration and the Instagram-capable sort of instant coffee, snapshot culture that it tries to predict? As a creative person myself, working in multiple media and bouncing ideas from a piece of music onto a screenplay or taking an idea from a dream and incorporating it into a photo I take of a loved one creeping up out of her bed after a nap, I often find that these decisions are not made by any kind of deliberate thought, but more so unconsciously in the sometimes weird and erratic rhythms of my intuition.
In a similar way, Jung portrays this intuition as what he calls "collective man" who "carries and shapes the unconscious psychic life of mankind." But whereas Jung suggests a kind of giving up of individual freedom, today's digital culture of Facebook food photos and happily self-indulgent baby pictures of our little ones that seem all too capricious and hippieishly free, it could be that these two dueling sides may be cordially acquainted with one another in a way that has never really existed until the advent of smart phones, status updates and the iPad. We the people have the distinct pleasure and opportunity to bring together our intuition with our natural human impulse to express instant gratification with each snap of a lunch photo with a cheesy sepia filter or the joy of our sons' and daughters' Saturday afternoon soccer game with a hint of our collective understanding of what is to be human combined with, for instance, an awesomely hilarious dance-off at a local karaoke bar that you and your family will hold dear for generations now immortalized in a photo stretched and mounted on a canvas to be cherished from the far corner of your livingroom. It is most definitely for me a gloriously happy meshing of capturing everyday life while it also expresses our individual views  and interpretations of the world in a way that can make us all as whimsically expressive as Jung’s idea of the creative person might suggest minus the bruiting and tortured moans and groans of making a big deal about it. And that, my friends, is beautiful.  

Source: Carl Gustave Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, 1933, Harvest Book, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., New York, 1961 paperback, pp. 168-171.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The quantum science behind why I think you should follow your bliss in life

Assuming you don't have a black heart, I fully believe that you, and all people all have a joyful dream inside of themselves. The video below is the probable scientific parallel connection of why I think you should follow that dream.

Roll on!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Our hearts are with Boston... and its helpers

(CNN) -- Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction.

And as we bring our thoughts to Boston, I'm reminded today...

Roll on!

Friday, April 12, 2013

"The Opus Movie" (Full Length) | Law Of Attraction

In my life over the years, I've learned that my thoughts have a direct effect on what I do with my life and they are my inspired actions' drives. So knowing this, I ask you to take the leap and find your inspiration, your music, your opus!

Roll on! 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Gotye Feat. Kimbra (Mikey Mystik Galactic Gazz Remix) - Somebody That I Used to Know

Check out my remix of the 2013 Record of the Year Gotye - "Somebody That I Used to Know" Featuring Kimbra from Gotye's 2012 album Making Mirrors and see if you can decipher the sample I used to make the beat. :o)

Hint: It's just so fresh!

SALE!!! Buy two gigs and get the third free here: Pick any two of your favorite jams that you think can go together and I will mix and mash them together in a wondrous blend of musical chaos and debauchery for $5. Please have a couple of backup songs in mind in case I can't find your song or it's blocked by copyright.

Email me at for more information.

*ALL MIXES ARE FOR PERSONAL, NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY* Protected under the US Fair Use Act  of 2007.

Roll on!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Dynamic awesomeness in writing, editing and creative concepts awaits! Book Michael LaPenna today!

Writing, editing, marketing, ad copy, comedy writing, help with novels, screenplays... and even greeting cards and poems for that special person in your life; it's all a part of the Michael LaPenna creative service guarantee!

I'll work within your budget to ensure you get the best value for your dollar!

For rates, questions and general inquiries, contact me here or call (845) 313-4714.

Thanks so much for your business!


Learn more about my service and book me at

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Updates are coming to The Wheelchair Philosopher!

Hello folks, it's been a while—a month or more in fact. But as you know, life gets in the way of living at times. A lot of things are going on: acceleration of my business opportunities, personal adventures—and a fascination with podcasts that has seemingly overtaken the time I would take out normally for blogging on this site.

With that said, I've decided to use the Wheelchair Philosopher forum for  more of a promotional tool to accelerate my business opportunities or to pontificate on any certain issues that may arise within the disabled community (and to go "with the grain" of what might be going on in my life if you will). So stay tuned in the coming weeks for some interesting insights into a man on a roll!

Roll on!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Web company Soul Pancake asks strangers to make a friend while sitting in a ball pit

Soul Pancake is a "new media" company and website that seeks to answer big questions of our current generation in the areas of philosophy, science, religion, the arts and more by asking simple questions (in the old, if you had 24 hours to live, what would you do?" format in so many words).

As I haven't been posting very much at all  in the past two months or even longer with the ebbs and flows of my life moving about as they are, and with my new mantra of 2013 being, "Do more, live better, experience more," I thought this video only fitting. In it, a playground-esque, ball pit filled with an assortment of colored balls with larger balls with philosophical questions written on them interspersed among the balls is placed in the middle of what appears to be an urban city center. Over the pit a large banner reads, "Take a Seat & Make a Friend."

When we're young, we're taught to not talk to strangers and are warned of "stranger danger" by shows like Sesame Street and guided by our confidence in our families and neighbors to protect us from harm. But while our elders might only have our best interests in mind with regard to criminal elements, such as pedophiles, and identity thieves and the creepy guy who might put a razor blade in your candy apple at Halloween, isn't there something to be said about the idea of, "I don't know you, so I can't talk to you" being a cold and all too distancing approach for socializing and making new friends? Have we taught our children the beauty of small talk with other children? Have we taught them to recognize  a helpful adult and not just a hazardous one? More to this point, have we taught ourselves that it's okay to give a simple nod hello to somebody we make eye contact with on a given day on random street under the right circumstances? And finally, could the experiment in the video below be the start of it? Judge for yourself and of course…. Roll on!