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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

December is Reblog Rerun Month at The Wheelchair Philosopher

A Hiatus to Boost this Blog's Status... Wocka, Wocka

Yes, ladies and gentlemen and small, fun-sized children with giant intellects.... This December is Reblog Rerun Month here at The Wheelchair Philosopher! What this means, folks, is that I have decided to pursue the rebuilding of this blog with a sort of month-long best of in hopes of gaining greater readership by taking more time to interact with other bloggers. Smart you say? Yep! 'Tis quite.

So I implore you in the least annoying of ways to getcha read on and pass this blog along to friends, family, countrymen and general people of Earth and other carbon-based life forms who dig a good blog post. Until that time, I'll be on a blog writing sabbatical in pursuit of R and R and another R for revenue for this blog.

Reblog Rerun Month is all December here at The Wheelchair Philosopher! :

Happy Holidays and as always... roll on... with cheer!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Give meals to those in need this Holiday Season

 Help feed America. Facebook 'like' a turkey.

This Holiday Season Feeding America and Pepto Bismol are giving meals to  families struggling to make ends meet -- especially in the current economy. The Feast for All campaign will give eight meals per every one click of the "Like". button on its Facbook page featuring ABC's Modern Family's Eric Stonestreet and his delicious turkey. The current goal is to feed a whopping two million families!

So I urge all of you to help Pepto Bismol and Feeding America help feed two million families this Holiday Season and give thanks for your blessings by blessing those around you and making a true Feast for All!

To "Like" Eric Stonestreet's Turkey, go to and click the Feast for All link or click here.

To find out more on how to give a meal to a family in need, visit today.

Give thanks and roll on!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy Yourself with a Solution by The Wheelchair Philosopher Michael LaPenna

Know how to read the signs of life.
In this life, we have no storage struggles and disappointments. We lose a job and we gripe. We fail at a sport and we feel like a loser. We fail a test in school and we feel stupid. The economy goes bad and we, the people in New York City Occupy Wall Street and begin complaining about all the many things what we don't have: a job, a house, income to pay that latest student loan. We feel most assuredly like rejecting any optimism at all in these kinds of moments. The hurt is just too piecing, the barriers too mountainous. But there is another view, one that takes takes said job loss as a learning experience. To this way of thinking, if we fail at a sport, we utilize the opportunity to analyze what we did wrong and right. If we fail a test in school, we only study harder and well, if the economy goes Bad News Bears' market on Wall Street or on Main Street, we inevitably run for City Council to BE THE CHANGE WE SEEK as Gandhi so famously proposed.

The Occupy Movement of America in 2011 as with nearly ever protest including "New Coke" in '85 is one of unrest and want of change. It seeks freedom from domination of the Mega-rich, what is thought to be an oppressive system.  It seeks freedom from  job-loss, freedom from lack. It seeks immediate answers to why so many gaps between those who have and those who have not seem so immense and cavernous. The questions circle in our heads and we dwell on them. But the follow-up question is then, "How do we dwell on them?" How do you deal with the them? Occupy-ers invariably see the "system" as favoring those in high-level positions in America's financial and business sectors and part of a system that has failed to hold those institutions accountable for debacles like sub-prime mortgage lending, misguided credit policies and a seemingly unjust consolidation of power and corporate influence over the political landscape in the country. Yet while November 17 has been call a Day of Action in Lower Manhattan, what that action actually is remains ambiguously uncertain and frankly, as of this writing, seems undecided. But mainly and in no uncertain terms, the natural human tendency to blame is central to the theme here.

Blame is a tricky tradesman though. It can act as a prosecutor and hold the accused accountable with the culprit's feet aflame, yet it can also be the scapegoat for our anger that breeds bullying, prejudice, racism and yes --dare it be said--  ill-fated, decade-long wars. The former is usually the mark a protest of large demand such as the Civil Rights rallies of the 1960s and Gay Marriage movements of today which both have had their own specified agendas for equal treatment under the law. But the latter is visceral and unsure -- an  impulsive reaction to an irregular heartbeat so to speak caused by fear of what might happen in an unfair, mean world.

Asking yourself how you see your lot in life is crucial. Do you see yourself as oppressed, disadvantaged and stricken with bad luck? Do you complain and soak into your circumstances, or instead -- and this is equally critical-- do you see yourself  in control of your circumstances despite economic inequality, racism, sexism, disability, abuse, rejection and so forth? These are questions that you may have asked yourself before, or they may have never entered into your consciousness even in the most peaceful of times. Nevertheless, ask. Ask with intention. Ask with purpose. Ask with vision. After asking you will find something remarkable more than likely,  you'll find that you have become what you have focused on most intently. If you're protesting in anger only, if you let yourself become peeved all the time while attempting peace, you'll notice that you never really become at peace.  However, if you turn your rally against what has oppressed you into the inspiration to do better -- to abolish every bad thing by focusing on  positive ideas, positive intention and positive results, you will--in no uncertain terms-- become affected positively. Answers will come and solutions will become clear because you have become occupied with a solution. Try it... if you dare.

My friend, be the change and watch the change be. It really is that simple. We may look outside ourselves for solutions, we may ask others to help our causes, but  as Willy Wonka once said, we are inevitably, for better or worse, the  true makers of our dreams.

Roll on!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dynamic Writing Service from Michael LaPenna The Wheelchair Philosopher

Dynamic Writing Services at Reasonable Prices
by Michael LaPenna of Michael LaPenna - Freelance Writer
 DOJ Smart Search Verified,   SSN Verified,   Address Verified,   Phone Verified,   Email Verified,   Facebook Verified,   Twitter Verified,   Website Verified,   Thumbtack Reviewed

Writing, editing, marketing, ad copy, comedy writing, help with novels, screenplays... and even greeting cards and poems for that special person in your life; it's all a part of the Michael LaPenna creative service guarantee!

I'll work within your budget to ensure you get the best value for your dollar!

For rates, questions and general inquiries, contact me here or call (845) 313-4714.

Thanks so much for your business!


Learn more about my service and book me at

Roll on!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Give meals to homeless veterans for FREE

I have recently become aware after considerable research, that an estimated one-third of all homeless in America are veterans of war. The Veterans Site features a free, click-to-give, sponsored charity button to help feed homeless vets. On this Veterans' Day, I encourage all of my readers to click regularly to help our heroes who may be struggling after they have given so much to us.

Click here to give a homeless or hungry veteran a meal on The Veterans Site

Roll on for freedom.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Photosophical: "Poverty is the worst form of violence" - Wealth and Poverty Part 1

Professor and activist Dr. Cornell West at Occupy DC rally where he was arrested  in October. Photo credit: AP and Facebook.
What does the above signify? 
Do you agree with Dr. West? Is poverty the worst of all violence?

 What might Dr. West mean by holding the sign? 

Does a person resort to crime more if he or she is desperately poor? 

Is there an emotional violence that occurs within those who are without basic shelter, food and healthcare? 

What, in your opinion is the central cause of continual poverty? Furthermore, does that cause qualify as a kind of violence?

More on this in Part 2

Until then... roll on in peace.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Wheelchair Philosopher featured by The Feng Shui Voice and Feng Shui consultant Laura Cerrano

Laura Cerrano is a certified, second generation Feng Shui Consultant in the New York and surrounding tri-state area. She is also, in full disclosure, my good friend. She offered me to my insight on the concept of Feng Shui and what it means beyond the stereotype of being a Voodooish placement of your stuff to gain wealth or success . But as I said to Laura -- it's very, very very much more common sense than that.

Click here to read Breathing Feng Shui by Laura Cerrano and the Wheelchair Philosopher.

Roll on!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tech troubles won't stop me Michael LaPenna The Wheelchair Philosopher

Life is odd. You're friends, family and clients keep asking when you're getting iMac and your PC seems to come down with a Megatron-induced virus 24 hour prior to your purchase. Yes, my rolling minions, it happened. Call it the ghost of Steve  or the burden of Bill, but after seeing me finish a Bachelor's in Media Management, helping me meet of my wife-to-be Abby and witnessing the birth of YouTube, a bittersweet seven-year itch of creeping death has come to my 2005 Dell Desktop.

My buddy Dell is likely on his death bed and ready to be sent to "greener", more recyclable pastures. Yet as I opined in another post, the Apple brand seems much more adaptable to special needs with its propensity toward touch screens and easy-to-read typeface and, um... fun. And afterall, I have devoted most of my latest few posts to Steve Jobs and his techo-philosophical legacy.

So here's to hoping my computer woes subside or even vanish entirely in the coming days of Macdom so I can finally bring you the rolling quality of bloggery I always wanted this blog to have. Isn't that what we all want really? :)

I'll see you in a few days, but for now... roll on!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

There's nothing like a power outage and loss of heat and water to make a wheelchair user feel grateful by Michael LaPenna The Wheelchair Philosopher

I give thanks for sights like the one in this photo.
A Brief note on Gratitude

As many of you many know, the Northeastern US had snow this past weekend -- the blizzard kind that lasts a good twelve to fifteen hours and culminates with a loss of power for 30 hours or as is the case south of me, up to three days. All that I can say after it has ended is that I am grateful for heat coursing through my home's electrically functioning pipes  and equally gleeful for the electric current flowing like a mighty stream  through my crappy, slow, 2005 computer (which I will be replacing with an iMac this month).

Growing up with Cerebral Palsy, I never rode a bike, played sports or was even able to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at school. A great portion of my life consisted of hanging out with the kids in my neighborhood, playing Nintendo, watching pro wrestling, and playing with action figures in a well-lit space where my friends and I could create worlds of Sci-Fi adventure and Lego legend. Even today, I make my living through the Internet as a freelance writer, editor, marketer and as the saying goes, a chief cook and bottle washer. In this sense, while I may not  be materialistic -- much of my world exists through technology. An while I cannot walk out of my home through the front door or drive a car to the corner store, I am for instance healthily enjoying my job, my favorite TV shows, movies and Internet chats with friends across states and countries while my electric heating and cooling systems keep my bodily health intact.

Moral: Be grateful for all that you have. Even electric lights and heated homes are miracles when you don't have them.

Until next time... roll on!