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Friday, October 28, 2011

A New tighter format is on the way from Michael LaPenna The Wheelchair Philosopher Part 2

Dearest readers, as I said in my earlier post here, I've decided in earnest to post a bit less and focus on my professional jobs in Freelance Writing and Editing and Marketing. So, my lovely minions, I will now post three to four times per week in an effort to focus on promoting the blog, commenting on other blogs and posting to social media mainstays like Twitter, Facebook, and your mom's favorite cultural phenomena in the blogosphrere.  In the meanwhile, expect the content to be higher quality than before, and with more time to post, the posts themselves may be a bit more in depth.

Until next time folks... roll on!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

iPad study shows hope for autistic children by Michael LaPenna The Wheelchair Philosopher

The nation's Centers for Disease Control estimate that nearly 1 in 110 children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with a form of autism in his or her lifetime. It is, by all accounts, a condition or group a of conditions characterized by  disconnection and detachment from the social world that so many of us who have the ability to communicate normally may take for granted.

But the following CBS 60 Minutes exclusive sheds new light on what is thought to be  a saving grace by researchers. Since its release in 2010, the iPad has changed the lives of people of all abilities in new and illuminating ways. From vocalization software to an easy-to-use drag-and-swipe touch screen, kids who normally are barely able to say what their most basic needs are now have an "iOutlet" so to say.

For the full story, click on the video below and and as always... roll on!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Wheelchair Philosopher Michael LaPenna is rolling on without the need for Wall Street protests or zoo animal rescues

Would you put this face on your Love List?

As fans of The Wheelchair Philosopher blog may have noted, I've been posting slightly less frequently than the usual five posts per week. And that, my rolling compatriots, is nothing more than a sign that my life has become a bit busier and more bustling than in previous seasons. And while I have yet to occupy Wall Street or chase loose zoo animals in Zanesville, Ohio, not Kansas or Oz, I have doubled my disposable income and applied to several jobs while also beginning a new promotion for which nonetheless does make me shout, "Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!"

For more on what I've been doing when I'm not blogging about current events, promoting or watch Gene Simmons' wedding, shoot me an email at

Roll on!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A new tighter format is on the way from Michael LaPenna The Wheelchair Philosopher

A new tighter format for The Wheelchair Philosopher is on the way!

For more information contact Michael LaPenna and Michael LaPenna Writing and Editing Services at


 Follow Michael LaPenna on Twitter Michael LaPenna @WCPhilosopher to check ou the latest in Wheelchair Philosophy and news via your Twitter acccount and also brand new writing services just launched on New York and Hudson Valley Craigslist

Hire Michael LaPenna on at

Roll on!

Friday, October 14, 2011

May this re-blog occupy Wall Street and your hearts and minds

May this re-blog occupy Wall Street and your hearts and minds... Hi Rihanna! (Wink, wink!)
Check it out at the link below and as always... roll on!

The Wheelchair Philosopher: To think, to blog, to grow rich from the seat of a...: I've been reading the Depression Era classic of economic empowerment -- the propitiously titled Think And Grow Rich...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Steve Jobs Part 2: Steve Jobs gives seven keys to success

"Think different."
- Apple tagline/slogan

The following is a conglomeration of Apple-lonious wisdom from the iKing taken from various quotations and a blog that I found  at real estate blogging site Special Thanks to William and Teri.

1. Do what you love-don't settle, passion is everything. Do it because you love it.

2Put a dent in the universe. Develop a clear and concise vision. Have the courage to follow your heart.

3. Say no to a thousand things. Focus. Reduce the clutter, make it simple. Get the spark back. Simplicity =
having only a half dozen people you consult with.

4. Kick start your brain by doing something new. Develop an inquiring mind. Unexpected connections.  The apple stores are based on the four seasons.

5Sell dreams, not products. Re-think something as an entirely new experience. (Example: the iPhone revolutionized the telephone experience.)

6. Create insanely great experiences.  Innovate by creating an extraordinary consumer experience. (Note how shopper friendly any Apple Store is.)

7Master the message. Steve re-invented the phone.  It 's all about how well you communicate.

Steve Jobs was a genius, a perfectionist -- the ultimate visionary. Steal his secrets, he expects it!.

Steve once said, "Good artists copy, great artists steal. "

Roll on!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wheelchair Inspiration: Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Speech (2005)

As a tribute to the man on whose browser I type this blog and whose company singularly changed the way we see the world, (Mac) hear its music ( iTunes, ipod) and navigate through it, (iPhone, iPad) here's to you Steve Jobs -- an Apple a day keeps your legacy alive! May you rest in perfect peace.

Steve Jobs
Roll on!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Deaf Woman, Sloan Churman hears her voice for the first time

Sloan Churman has spent her whole 29 years of life hearing muffled distortions, reading lips and using hearing aids that never quite did the right trick. But thanks to the new Esteem Implant which apparently uses inner ear vibrations to stimulate the implant and costs upwards of $30,000, has finally allowed her to hear her voice for the very first time!

The video and the tears and happiness it encapsulates so are contagious as one blogger put it, but I can't help but think how I might feel were I to be essentially cured of my Cerebral Palsy. I would very likely weep my tear ducts dry like Mrs. Churman. However, until that day arrives, I am content as I am -- wheelchair or no. I am happy for Sloan Churman -- truly. But for now, I rejoice with her and her loved ones and those millions in the deaf community whose lives will be inevitably changed forever. May they be blessed!

Alternate link:

Roll on!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Jesus, blind people and wheelchairs... what?

1 As [Jesus] went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
   3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.
- John 9:1-3

I'm very often asked a certain type of question when I tell people that I was born with my Cerebral Palsy. They ask if I ever get depressed. Am I resentful of that fact that nature and/of God has allowed me to be "this way?" Their faces become masks of a self-evident sullenness -- a  sort of grief that a person might have if she found a dead kitten in the road by her cozy suburban home on a random Wednesday evening. It's the kind of thing authors put into their novels to give a subtle twitch in a character's psyche to add depth to a story. My answer, however, has always been that I am no more depressed in not walking, for instance, than any person would be in being able to walk. It is what I know, who I am. To paraphrase Lady Gaga: I'm fine in my own way and God make no mistakes. I was born this way and in the above Biblical verses, Jesus seems to agree that this at least might be true foe some folks.

When I first read this verse, I felt instantly assured that the plight of the anonymous blind man was like mine and many people who are different from the norm in any walk of life, whether blind, deaf, wheelchair-using, dwarfed or even gay -- that the glory of God may indeed be shining through people in such situations rather than burdening it as so many strangers I meet would seem to presume. I often hear in my social circles sentences like, "My cancer made me a kinder person," or "My accident made me appreciate my life so much more than before" -- as if these automatically assumed stricken or suffering people have found a secret angel who has enhanced their lives with an invisible cloak that the everyday passer-by fails to see the same way an attacker might fail to perceive a cab driver's Kung-Fu training.  These are metaphors of course, but nevertheless,  I do believe beyond all doubt that we all have something special hidden within us to contribute to existence by which particular glories and graces might be shown.

Through my disability I've known what it is to be ignored by the girls in the nightclub, thought incapable by an employer and I've known what it is to struggle in doing simple tasks like clipping my toenails. I truly have been given patience beyond my peers. I can't walk out of my front door, literally. I'm not medically cleared to drive a car either. You may be asking yourself where I'm going with this rant, but there is a point. That point is this: I know prejudice. I know ignorance. I know "having not." I will never be the spoiled kid. I will never be the man disgruntled and dismayed by not having his car that's being fixed ready in time. I will never be the pontiff claiming that racism doesn't exist and I will never not know what it is to be the minority in the room being stared at and judged. Yet, I remain steadfast in knowing what it is to make the best of every situation -- that every time I do get the chance to travel, I love it. Every moment with my wife-to-be  is  a blessing in that I know what it is to be without that blessing. Every dollar I make feels like $100 because I know what it is to be unable to freely travel to every job within a 15-mile radius. Thus, my attitude is, as the saying goes, gratitude.

There is a saying by a man whose name escapes me at the moment. It says that if the only prayer you ever say is  "Thank you", that would be enough. And while this message is a Biblical one, it is also universal. My struggles have made me realize the universal truth that gratitude creates  humility -- it drops ego and entitlement and replaces it with grace and appreciation for the gifts that life will offer us.

In closing, I hope that you re-blog, tweet and share this post with your loved ones and maybe a few enemies and urge them to be grateful for what they have and even  for what they might not have. May you and I always be thankful in this sense and may you always...

Roll on!