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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A rolling philosopher takes time to say thank you for greater readership

An old shot of me as I rap at a SUNY New Paltz poetry slam in 2007

Hey, folks! I've noticed some greater numbers of readers lately although I've not responded in kind to your respective blogs, I'm very thankful for every reader I get and I want to say thank-yous to each of you -- thanks so much! So in that vein, I'll take a bit of time to reply to your posts if you do the same for my blog posts in a kind of "pay it forward" way. I love blogging as many of you do too. But also, I , like you, want broader reach.

I have not had a lot to say lately and that might be because I'm doing so much other than blogging and have become busier in my freelance writing business (and I'm thankful for my being busy ever the more) and I do still want to reach a few more folks so to say. So, be on the lookout for my comments and drop by and say hi to your friendly neighborhood Wheelchair Philosopher.

Roll on and leave comments!

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